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Brainwash your way to trading success

Trader John Campbell, who vends his OilBiz and GoldTradePro trading systems, used to a psychoanalyst. He recently published a book, Success for Trading, on the psychology of trading, in which he suggested a very unusual but effective to increase your success rate incredibly. Here is the method, quote from pages 23-25 of the book:

Hypnosis is one way to connect with the subconscious but the other, more easily available way, is through a correctly constructed 'mantra'. Mantras can be extremely powerful and are the origin of the saying, 'Be careful what you wish for', because mantras can make wishes come true. When we begin to deal with our subconscious mind and higher dimensions, anything is possible. Yes, anything. But we are after soemthing quite small and simple.

In case you don't know, a mantra is something that is said over and over again until it becomes embedded in our being and attracts whatever is in the mantra. However, we've already seen that it's no good just repeating something like, 'I want to be a successful trader,' or, 'I want to be rich,' we have to be cleverer than that. The most effective mantras contain an emotional element. In the area, the intellect is of no use. The intellect is firmly rooted in the black and white world of three dimensions and only believes in what can be seen and proven. Emotions are much more connected to our subconscious - which is why emotions usually win over thoughts.

So, we need a mantra with emotion, a mantra that includes visualisation of already having what we want and we need a mentra that is as detailed and specific as possible. The aim of this mantra is to make that connection with the 'future you' who is the successful trader.

...Here's my suggestion of a mantra construction that worked for me, 'I'm so happy and grateful I earn ten thousand a month from trading.' Short, specific, in the present tense and very powerful. Of course, it could be, 'I'm so happy and grateful I have a great job (in whatever) that pays ten thousand a month,' or, 'I'm so happy and grateful I'm living in a fantastic house with (fill in a couple of details) overlooking the sea,' and so on. You have already decided what your personal figure will be, so substitute it for the 'ten thousand'.

I'm so happy and grateful I earn ten thousand a month from trading.

Ok, we have our mantra that will connect us to it's reality, so how do we use it? Simple repetition for at least 15 minutes a day and preferably half an hour will turn it into a reality. This is sufficient for it to enter the subconscious and become a part of who you are. You can do it at any time but when you wake up and before you sleep are the best times and with your eyes closed. I would strongly suggest at least one continuous period of a minimum of 15 minutes and preferably a bit longer. You could perform it twice a day, morning and evening, if you like.

...It is more effective if you can clear your head of all others thoughts while repeating the mantra in an automatic, parrot-fashion way. After a very short time it will become very easy to repeat and you won't have to think about the words at all. This is good because we don't want it in our head or intellect; we want it in the automatic, non-rantional part of us. The reason for this is that our rational part doesn't believe it is possible (yet). however, it certainly soon will do when that money comes rolling in.

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